Right now there is a huge movement towards state sovereignty and personal freedom and liberty.
The recent "Tea Parties" could have been a part of that movement. Texas declaring it's 10'th amendment right to sovereignty could have been a piece of this movement but given Rick Perry's past I ain't falling for it, it's just a future bid for presidency. Glenn Becks tireless charades and house of cards could have been a revealing piece of the Illuminati puzzle if only his balls were larger than the paycheck he was cut for creating propaganda.
It is time for all of you whining lefties and righties to open your fucking eyes and realize that the paradigm on which you swing is imaginary and the in-fighting is getting us nowhere.
Your all deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow.
Question the motives of the supposed right and supposed left.
Who got us here? What is the agenda?
Banking powers that be and the 1913 Federal Reserve act set the stage in our country for this, it can be traced back even further if you do your research, but start there.
You are being duped by both sides and they are playing us against one another, the liberty and truth movements are being demonized and taken over by the right wing and left wing, the same groups who got us into this mess.
How long before the first shots of a "false revolution" ring out, that is to say, how long before left and right are goaded into war by the powers that be instead of standing together and taking back our country.
I hate to imagine that you are all this stupid.
Shut down the fed. Be a part of the solution. Take the fight against those who would subdue the American spirit. Fight the banks and corporations. Pave the road and clear the path for a legitimate government.
Do you for a moment see a bit of difference between Obama and Bush? You've been had! Wake the fuck up! The time is now. Do your research. This is our country don't let them create a war between the American people over imaginary issues, don't let them systematically label us terrorist, don't let them trample the constitution.
It's now or never.
Do you want a "CZAR" or do you want a representative?
Do you want a republic or do you want a totalitarian dictatorship.
Choose motherfuckers or their going to choose for you.
We are systematically being labeled and taken out on group at a time, we are weak because we can't get of the pettiness of "red" or "blue", shut the fuck up and do something! Stand together and let our voices be heard, see through the shit, turn off the T.V., create new and viable options, rid the government payroll of familiar faces by exposing their corruption and placing real change to their seats.
Don't be fooled by the media or the two party system, don't let the government terrify you, they work for us, we don't work for them, they are the true destroyers of our country, the true terrorist organization, they keep us in fear and panic mode, don't be afraid, voice your opinion, speak the truth.