-Red Okra, a good productive strain.
-A corn sheller, would most certainly help in working up livestock feed this fall and winter!
and to top off the list!
BAT GUANO - preferably harvested in a responisable way or from an area such as an attic or a barn or garage where no damage is done to the colony, or a bat house. We recently put up two but they have yet to be inhabited. Will take as much as you can send and will pay for shipping plus trade you out a lifetime supply of seed!
Will gladly trade seeds for all other items.
As another quick update, we will be at the Washington County Farmers Market in Salem Indiana at the fairgrounds again on Saturday from 8:30 A.M. until 12:30 P.M. and will have a terrific selection of our "eco-Logically" grown (read organic) produce on hand including the following:
-Red Chiefton potatoes harvested as New Potatoes. Absolutely delicious anyway you want to cook them! 3.00 a quart
-Leaf Lettuce Mix: Red types, Green Types, Purple, Red Edged in an efficient and beautiful mix for 2.50 a gallon bag
-Broccoli-an assortment of types. Small heads 1.50 large 2.00-2.50
-Cabbage, early Jersey Wakefield, Early Round Dutch, Early Golden Acre. 2.00 a small Head, 2.50-3.00 a large head
-Sugar Snap and snow peas. 3.50 a quart bag. Delicious, especially when mixed with the red potatoes cubed up in a skillet!
-Farm Fresh, Free Range, "Eco-Logically" grown Green and Blue eggs!
-Yellow Cabbage Collards. Beautiful yellow-green and large leaved collards, better than any you have ever tasted. A terrific strain we sourced through a friend via "the collard shack" (google that one).
-Alpine Strawberry Plants. Mostly white fruited, non-runnering type plants, prolific and everbearing. Deliciously sweet without the "tart" of modern berries. Several strains, many most likely grown by Thomas Jefferson himself. Small pots 4.00 and large pots 8.00
-Yellow Transparent apple trees. Smallish summer cooking apple. Great for pies. 5.00 one gallon nursery pots.
-Compost tea concentrate. All the nutrient you need to make 15-20 gallons of great compost tea, inoculated with benificial microbes and mychorizial fungi.
We are also taking orders on Amaracauna Chicks in both large fowl and bantam size as well as pearl/pied guineas.