Alfred Reed Bishop and Doris William Butler

The picture above is the very tap root of Bishop's Homegrown/Face Of The Earth Seed. My grandparents shortly after moving to Pekin Indiana from Greensburg KY in 1947 where they purchased the farm that is now Bishop's Homegrown. This picture was taken in Pekin in front of the old co-op next to the old railroad depot, neither of which exist today.

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

First Day of Washington County Indiana Farmers Market 2010

Went wonderully, we saw many new faces and made a bit of money, got some of the Kazakistan apple trees out there along with Astronomy Domine corn seed.

We've got so much going on on the farm right now, with animals, breeding projects, and plant propigation that it's hard to keep up with our online pressence at the moment, however within the next couple weeks we will be doing a lot of updating of the blog site as well as posting a lot more on the homegrown goodness messageboard at

Keep your eye peeled for posts on plant and animal breeding projects, new pictures, and also items for sale!


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