Alfred Reed Bishop and Doris William Butler

The picture above is the very tap root of Bishop's Homegrown/Face Of The Earth Seed. My grandparents shortly after moving to Pekin Indiana from Greensburg KY in 1947 where they purchased the farm that is now Bishop's Homegrown. This picture was taken in Pekin in front of the old co-op next to the old railroad depot, neither of which exist today.

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Monday, January 25, 2010


Is the french word for Guinea Hen. I got my "French Hybrid Guineas" that I mentioned in a previous post regarding a breeding experiment last week, along with 10 free roosters for warmth during shipping from Ideal hatchery last week. These little guys are tough and doing very well and their growth is absolutely astounding. The day I recieved them they could all make their way into the little feed trough I gave them, within two days however the little guineas were far to fat to make it inside the trough. Spring is near!

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